
ASDAN EPQ 科学与工程类选题涵盖数学、物理、化学、生态环境、食品与营养、医学和建筑多个学科



An investigation into the connection between Alzheimer’s disease and gut microbes including prevention measures for Alzheimer’s disease


An investigation into the connection between Alzheimer’s disease and gut microbes including prevention measures for Alzheimer’s disease




作者Author:沈珉熹 Minxi Shen

This dissertation mainly focuses on how gut microbes affect the occurrence of the Alzheimer’s disease through nervous systems by integrating the information from former literature. It also introduces several precautionary measures for Alzheimer’s disease, which include diet control, probiotics treatment, and sanitation change. At present, though many experiments have been conducted, showing support to this hypothesis, more theoretical evidence is still needed for confirmation of the hypothesis.


Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common irreversible, progressive neurodegenerative disorder and the most common cause of dementia in the elderly, accounting for approximately 60%-80% of dementia cases [1]. While the pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease are well described, the underlying pathogenesis of the disease remains controversial [2]. The new hypothesis that gut microbes may be correlated to Alzheimer’s disease attracts me. I explored this topic mainly by doing secondary research including analyzing literature and studies. My objective was to integrate information to investigate the linkage between them.

2Gut microbes and Alzheimer’s disease
2.1Composition, metabolism, and functions of gut microbes

There are various species of gut bacteria in human body. Dysbiosis of the flora is associated with many metabolic diseases and ill-health state like diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and inflammatory bowel diseases [3].

The function of gut microbiome is extensive. They produce neurotransmitters or neuromodulators (choline, tryptophan) and hormones in the gut [3]. Beyond metabolism, gut microbiome also plays a role in modulating immune system development by promoting formation of gut-associated lymphoid tissues, maintaining the intestinal epithelial barrier, and conditioning cells in the immune system [4]. While a healthy microbiome protects ourselves, microbial imbalance may predispose the organism to illness [4].

2.2Pathways for gut microbes to affect brain and Alzheimer’s disease

The central nervous system is a crucial ‘bridge’ for the mutual communications of gut microbes and the brain. The TLRs in host cells contribute to the production of cytokine which is key to their communications. And the dysfunction of gut microbiota may change the regulation of inflammatory response and cause extra effects on human’s brain and behaviors through central nervous system.

Another two ways are known as the autonomic nervous system and the enteric nervous system. They collaborate with central nervous system, promoting changes on brain and affecting the incidence of neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease by producing TLRs.

2.3Potential pathogenesis in Alzheimer’s disease

Lipopolysaccharides is the main components of the outer cell wall of gram-negative bacteria. Qiao et al. demonstrated that long-term administration of the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharides markedly accelerated deposition of amyloid-β [5]. Their study well illustrates the correlation between lipopolysaccharides and amyloid-β, indicating that the excretion of gut microbes lipopolysaccharides is associated with Alzheimer’s disease as deposition of amyloid-β acts as an early stage and a main character of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, with the increasing permeability of the blood-brain barrier, it becomes easier for bacteria and their metabolites to penetrate the brain.

In addition to lipopolysaccharides, a significant quantity of functional amyloid can be generated by many bacterial strains, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and may contribute to the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease through the accumulation of proteinaceous misfolded amyloid-β oligomers and fibrils [6]. The precursor of amyloid gA, the main structural subunit of the bacterial amyloids, has a similar structure to Aβ42. The structure can be recognized by the TLR2 receptors in human body, triggering the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Consequently, neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration are triggered and contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.


The Mediterranean diet features high consumption of olive oil, vegetables, legumes, grains, fruits and nuts, moderate consumption of fish and poultry, low consumption of full fat dairy products and red meat, and low-to-moderate consumption of wine [7]. Vegetables, fruits, and nuts are the most important sources of fiber and compounds against the oxidative process [8]. Olive oil, which acts as the major source of fat intake, offers high oleic acid content and polyphenols that have atherogenic antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects [8].

Recent studies have shown that probiotics strains reduce oxidative stress and stimulate antioxidant enzymes in the brain [9]. After being provided with Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria- based probiotics, the Mini-Mental State Examination scores of Alzheimer’s disease patients greatly improved [9]. Based on that and other similar experiments, probiotic intervention suggested a new therapeutic approach.

The hygiene hypothesis for Alzheimer’s disease suggests that the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease may be negatively associated with the abundance of microbes, which means that as the abundance decreases, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease increases [10]. Dysfunction of the immune system caused by insufficient exposure to microorganisms through negative effects on T cells system may lead to the increase in the risk of Alzheimer’s disease [10].


To assess the correlation between the gut microbes and Alzheimer’s disease and prevention methods, I analyzed literature and the statistics in previous studies and did two interviews with experts to explore the mechanism and different hypotheses. However, the three precautionary methods are mostly based on experiments, so deeper research at more theoretical level is necessary to support its validity.

To defeat Alzheimer’s disease, several new drugs that can clear β-amyloid plaques or prevent tau phosphorylation were developed based on the amyloid cascade hypothesis, which centers on a cascade event of damages in neurons caused by the amyloid precursor protein [11]. However, these drugs have been proven to be almost completely invalid according to the results of clinical trials [12-15].

Therefore, due to the limited data regarding the variations in the microbial composition of those patients, future work must analyze the structural differences of the gut microbial content between Alzheimer’s disease patients and healthy individuals to provide insight into the mechanisms by which alteration influences Alzheimer’s disease and potential therapeutic targets. Large-scale analysis is warranted in the future to confirm the exact pathogenesis.


This paper describes the functional characteristics of gut microbes associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Gut microbes, their metabolites, and other factors including aging, together contribute to the imbalance of gut microbes’ composition, leading to inflammatory responses that exacerbate Alzheimer’s disease pathology via different pathways. Mediterranean diet helps maintain the homeostasis in intestine. Probiotics are able to alter the intestinal permeability in patients with Alzheimer’s. Hygiene hypothesis suggests that adequate exposure to microorganisms has positive impacts. All the three methods are able to control the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease.

1.2021 Alzheimer’s disease facts and figures. (2021). Alzheimer’s & Dementia.
2.Du, X., Wang, X., & Geng, M. (2018). Alzheimer's disease hypothesis and related therapies. Translational neurodegeneration, 7, p.2.
3.Kesika, P., Suganthy, N., Sivamaruthi, B.S. and Chaiyasut, C. (2020). Role of gut-brain axis, gut microbial composition, and probiotic intervention in Alzheimer’s disease. Life Sciences, p.118627.
4.Sun, M., Ma, K., Wen, J., Wang, G., Zhang, C., Li, Q., Bao, X. and Wang, H. (2020). A Review of the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis and the Potential Role of Microbiota in Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 73(3), pp.849–865.
5.Qiao, X., Cummins, D.J. and Paul, S.M. (2001). Neuroinflammation-induced acceleration of amyloid deposition in the APPV717Ftransgenic mouse. European Journal of Neuroscience, 14(3), pp.474–482.
6.Jiang, C., Li, G., Huang, P., Liu, Z., & Zhao, B. (2017). The Gut Microbiota and Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, 58(1), pp.1–15.
7.Georgoulis, M., Kontogianni, M. and Yiannakouris, N. (2014). Mediterranean Diet and Diabetes: Prevention and Treatment. Nutrients, 6(4), pp.1406–1423.
8.Del Chierico, F., Vernocchi, P., Dallapiccola, B. and Putignani, L. (2014). Mediterranean Diet and Health: Food Effects on Gut Microbiota and Disease Control. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15(7), pp.11678–11699.
9.Kowalski, K., & Mulak, A. (2019). Brain-Gut-Microbiota Axis in Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility, 25(1), pp.48–60.
10.Hu, X., Wang, T., & Jin, F. (2016). Alzheimer's disease and gut microbiota. Science China. Life sciences, 59(10), pp.1006–1023.
11.Honig, L.S., Vellas, B., Woodward, M., Boada, M., Bullock, R., Borrie, M., Hager, K., Andreasen, N., Scarpini, E., Liu-Seifert, H., Case, M., Dean, R.A., Hake, A., Sundell, K., Poole Hoffmann, V., Carlson, C., Khanna, R., Mintun, M., DeMattos, R. and Selzler, K.J. (2018). Trial of Solanezumab for Mild Dementia Due to Alzheimer’s Disease. New England Journal of Medicine, [online] 378(4), pp.321–330. Available at: https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/ NEJMoa1705971.
12.Egan, M. F., Kost, J., Tariot, P. N., Aisen, P. S., Cummings, J. L., Vellas, B., Sur, C., Mukai, Y., Voss, T., Furtek, C., Mahoney, E., Harper Mozley, L., Vandenberghe, R., Mo, Y., & Michelson,
D. (2018). Randomized Trial of Verubecestat for Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer's Disease. The New England journal of medicine, 378(18), pp.1691–1703.
13.Egan, M. F., Kost, J., Tariot, P. N., Aisen, P. S., Cummings, J. L., Vellas, B., Sur, C., Mukai, Y., Voss, T., Furtek, C., Mahoney, E., Harper Mozley, L., Vandenberghe, R., Mo, Y., & Michelson,
D. (2018). Randomized Trial of Verubecestat for Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer's Disease. The New England journal of medicine, 378(18), pp.1408-1420.
14.Gauthier, S., Feldman, H.H., Schneider, L.S., Wilcock, G.K., Frisoni, G.B., Hardlund, J.H., Moebius, H.J., Bentham, P., Kook, K.A., Wischik, D.J., Schelter, B.O., Davis, C.S., Staff, R.T., Bracoud, L., Shamsi, K., Storey, J.M.D., Harrington, C.R. and Wischik, C.M. (2016). Efficacy and safety of tau-aggregation inhibitor therapy in patients with mild or moderate Alzheimer’s disease: a randomised, controlled, double-blind, parallel-arm, phase 3 trial. The Lancet, 388(10062), pp.2873–2884.
15.Ricciarelli, R. and Fedele, E. (2017). The Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis in Alzheimer’s Disease: It’s Time to Change Our Mind. Current Neuropharmacology, 15(6).

What are the Effective Conditions to Extend the Shelf-lives of Homemade Fresh Squeezed Fruit Juices?


What are the Effective Conditions to Extend the Shelf-lives ofHomemade Fresh Squeezed Fruit Juices?




作者Author: 武心悦 Xinyue Wu
1. Introduction

Generally, people consider fresh-squeezed fruit juices as easily spoiled, but cannot recognize their shelf-life. There aren’t expiration dates printed on fruit juices and people have to “bet” when the juice spoils. Meanwhile, shelf-lives are different for the variable recipes of juicing and juice makers don’t have references for their exclusive juice, which increases the pathogenetic risk.

So, the purpose of this project is to detect the shelf-lives of common homemade freshsqueezed fruit juices of four classical juiced fruits and practical ways to preserve them.

2. Method

2.1 Theory
The appearance of the bacterial colony illustrates spoilage of samples (Gao, et al., 2021). To determine spoilage, thermotank is used to speed up the reproduction of microorganisms. The dividing of the bottom layer as bacteria colonies represents spoilage.

2.2 Standard
All the methods of juicing refer to the book I Love Making Juices!, have standards below.

Table 2.1. Standards of juices

Shelf-life is the time from squeezing the juice to its spoiling time (Gao, X. et al. 2021). The location of experiments with room temperature and refrigerator temperature conditions is 301.15K (28.7℃) and 290K (17.5℃) respectively.

2.3 Equipment
Peritoneal dialysis fluid heating thermotank (Yuyao Zhangting Nuomin Plastic Factory), Zhuheng Electronic Balance (Shanghai Ranhao Electronics Co., Ltd.), Xiaomi Mijia Bluetooth Thermometer 2, Pen type acidity meter (Changzhou Edkors Instrumentation Co., Ltd.), MY JUICER™ juicer.

2.4 Experiments
2.4.1 Shelf-lives of four fruit juices with room temperature and no additive

Peach Juice
23 hours after squeezing, peach juice samples appeared to spoilage in the ample with a shelf-life of 12 hours, but unspoiled in a 10-hour sample. 28 hours after squeezing, participation still emerges in the 12-hour sample but is unspoiled in the 10-hour sample. Oxide red flocculent precipitation in 2-hour, 4-hour, 6-hour, 12-hour and 14-hour samples.

Diagram 2.1. peach juice samples 28 hours after squeeze

Orange Juice with Room Temperature and no Additive
26 hours after squeezed, orange juice samples appeared to spoilage in all the samples after the 12-hour sample, but it was unspoiled in the 10-hour sample. Olive yellow flocculent precipitation in 12-hour, 14-hour, 16-hour, 18-hour and 20 hour-samples.

Diagram 2.2. orange juice samples 26 hours after squeeze

Watermelon Juice with Room Temperature and no Additive
All samples appeared prescription after 3 hours in the thermotank. Samples from 2-hour to 16-hour all have carmine-red flocculent prescriptions.

Diagram 2.3. watermelon juice samples 25 hours after squeeze

Melon Juice with Room Temperature and no Additive
13 hours after squeeze, melon juice samples appeared to spoilage in the 8-hour sample, but unspoiled in the 6-hour sample. After three later observations, the phenomenon maintained the same. Blonde flocculent precipitation in 8-hour and 14-hour samples.

Diagram 2.4. melon juice samples 22 hours after squeeze

Melon Juice with Refrigerator Temperature and no Additive
30 hours after squeeze, melon juice appeared to spoilage in all the samples after 26 hours, but unspoiled in the 22-hour sample. After three later observations, the phenomenon maintained the same. Pineapple flocculent precipitation in 8-hour and 26-hour samples.

Diagram 2.5. melon juice samples under 30 hours

Also, the pH value of melon juice has a significant decline at 26 hours and 33 hours after squeeze.

Table 2.2. pH value of melon juice with refrigerator temperature and no additive

2.5.3 Melon Juice with Room Temperature and 25g Sodium Citrate
According to GB 2760-2014 National Food Safety Standard, Standard for the Use of Food Additives, adding sodium citrate has no legal limitation. Favourer should not be influenced by adding sodium citrate, so it was added every 5g until the pH of melon juice changed. After adding 25g sodium citrate, the pH increased from 6.3 to 6.4. 22 hours after squeezed, melon juice samples to appeared spoilage in all the samples after 16 hours, but they spoiled in the 14-hour sample. After three later observations, the phenomenon maintained the same.

Diagrams 2.6 & 7. melon juice samples 26 hours after squeeze

Pineapple flocculent precipitation in 6-hour, 8-hour, 16-hour and 22-hour samples. The pH value of melon juice has a significant decline between 10 hours and 14 hours after squeeze.

Table 2.3. pH value of melon juice at room temperature and sodium citrate

  • The shelf-life of no additive and under room temperature fresh-squeezed peach juice and orange juice is 10-12 hours, watermelon juice is 0-2 hours, and watermelon juice is 6-8 hours.
  • The shelf-life of no additive and under refrigerator temperature fresh-squeezed melon juice is 22-26 hours.
  • The shelf-life of under room temperature fresh-squeezed melon juice with 25g sodium citrate is 14-16 hours.
  • Refrigerator temperature can extend the shelf-life of freshly squeezed juice for about 16 hours.
  • Adding appropriate lemon juice is useful too, it could extend 8 hours of shelf-life of melon juice. Spoilage accompanies a decrease in pH value
4. Conclusion

The main purpose of this project is to detect the shelf-lives of a few typical homemade fresh-squeezed juices and some practically efficient ways to extend them. After testing by squeezing common homemade juices, sampling them each 2 hours after juicing and observing which first appears to spoilage each 1 hour after juicing, the shelf-lives of freshsqueezed orange, peach, watermelon and melon juices are 10-12, 10-12, 0-2 and 6-8 hours respectively.

Besides, the effective and practical conditions for homemade juices to extend their shelflives are adding an appropriate quantity of lemon juice after juicing and preserving them in the refrigerator. For melon juice, preserving in the refrigerator can extend its shelf-life to 22-26 hours and adding appropriate lemon juice (sodium citrate) can extend it to 14-16 hours. Thus, as suggestions for making homemade fresh-squeezed fruit juices, adding a few drops of lemonade and lowering the temperature can extend shelf-lives of juices.

1.Gao, X., Liu, J., Shen, Y., Liu, Y., and Jiang, B. (2021). ‘Research Status of Food Preservatives Derived from Microorganisms’. China Food Additives, (3), pp. 95-99. doi: 10.19804/j.issn1006-2513.2021.03.016.
2.Kang, jy., Lee, sn. (2012). 我爱做饮料! (I Love Making Juices!). 2012.7, Beijing: Beijing Science and Technology Publishing.
3.Liu, Y., Wang, X. (2018). ‘Analysis of Detection Results of Microbial Contamination in Handmade Beverages and Fresh Squeezed Juice’. Food and Fermentation Sciences & Technology, 54(4), pp. 97-101.
4.Russell, N., Gould, G. Food Preservatives. 2013., : Springer Science & Business Media.
5.Sun, H., Luo. B., Shi, J., and Yin, Fang. (2005). ‘Effects of potassium citrate on seed germination and growth of wheat seedlings’. Journal of Changshu Institute of Technology, 19(2), pp. 77-80.
6.Yan, H., and Sun, H. (1994). ‘Causes of Fruit Juice Spoilage and Fruit Juice Storage Technology’. LUOYE GUOSHU, (), pp. 85-86. doi: 10.1385/j.cnki.lygs.194.s1.084.
7.Zhu, J., Zhao, X., Wang, D., Dong, W., and Sun, X. (2021). ‘Storage Quality Changes and Shelf Life Predictive Modeling of Blueberry Juice Treated by Ultra-high Pressure and Thermal Sterilization’. Science and Technology of Food Industry, (), pp. - . doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021020161.
8.Zhu, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, W., Ji, L., Zhang, J., Bai, T., Zhao, Z., Hou, B., and Chen, L.(2021). ‘Research Progres on Antibacterial Mechanism of Natural Food Preservatives’. China Condiment, 46(9), pp. 176-180. doi: 10.3969/i.ssn.1000-9973.2021.09.034





Is Lactic Acid Bacteria Therapy the most effective treatment for Lactose Intolerance?






作者Author:魏紫玥 Ziyue Wei

In global epidemiology, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the problem of lactose intolerance. Recently, the public recognized two main opinions that treat lactose intolerance effectively enough. One of them is the relatively advanced method which is using lactic acid bacteria to produce β-galactosidase. Lactic acid bacteria have vibrant lactase activity and they can decompose the lactose in milk into glucose and galactose, thus relieving the symptoms of lactose intolerance. Another credible method is to supplement lactase preparation since lactase deficiency or low activities are the most fundamental pathological causes of lactose intolerance. Take a global perspective, lactose intolerance is a common disease in Asia and even in the whole world( Lactose intolerance affects an average of 48.38% of the world's population). Few researchers had explained the reasons behind it although there were many studies of lactic acid bacteria treatment of this disease. Thus, the research blank existed due to deficiencies in present.


According to Nobel Prize winner Metchnikoff, this Russian scientist clearly proposed that a huge number of lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt plays an important role in prolonging life. Similarly, Li (2012) found that a kind of lactic acid bacterium MG1363/FGZW alleviates lactose intolerance. This piece of information was noted in a journal named Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. It has been cited thousands of times and also lines up with other sources of clinical data, therefore the source is relatively valuable.

Figure 1: Lactic acid bacteria under the optical microscope

For supplement lactase preparation, at the end of the 19th century, Dutch biologist Beijerincek first discovered and reported that lactase could hydrolyze lactose. With the improvement of the quality of lactase, commercial lactase preparations have been popularized in the markets. In addition, Liu H (2015) reported that taking lactase (β-galactosidase) can effectively treat lactose intolerance which was indicated by reducing the amount of hydrogen in the breath.

Some biologists hold the view that lactic acid bacteria not only fully express the characters of the probiotics, but also continuously secrete β -galactosidase and release it into the gastrointestinal tract. Kolars et al. (1984) divided 50 patients with lactose intolerance into four groups. They were given lactose aqueous solution (containing 20 g lactose), milk (containing 18 g lactose), yoghurt (containing 18 g lactose), and galactoside fructose aqueous solution (containing 10g galactoside fructose) respectively. The results showed that the hydrogen content in the breath of patients in the yoghurt group was one-third of that in the milk and lactose solution group. The proportion of patients with diarrhoea or flatulence in the yoghurt group was only 20%, while that in the milk group was 80%.


Utilised in the past, the methods of using lactic acid bacteria and supplement lactase preparation will be briefly summarized.

Considering the time people start to experience discomfort after drinking milk/yoghurt, this study principally conducted qualitative research by making a questionnaire. Furthermore, the other aim is to collect people’s attitudes in different age groups towards this therapeutic method through yoghurt---the most common form of lactic acid bacteria.

Paired Samples T-test(N=196) is an excellent inferential statistical method that I used to compare the means of two sets that are directly related to each other. These data came from the same group of people who filled the questionnaire, but the condition changes before and after experimental processing.

Instead of letting patients take milk for my experiment to get data, I just asked the interviewees to recall and record their experiences of lactose intolerance before. In addition, the result will be presented anonymously since this research involved the medical history of the disease.



How is lactose degraded in the human body?

Lactose is the only disaccharide in milk by the existence of the monomer-form molecule, and it is mainly digested in intestinum jejunum. Lactose is hydrolyzed into glucose and galactose which connect through a 1, 4-glycosidic bond by lactase secreted by intestinalepithelialcells, IECS, then absorbed by active cellular transport. Furthermore, glucose mainly provides energy for the body, while galactose binds to ceramide by a glycosidic bond. Galactocerebroside begins to take shape, which participates in the development of the brain.

Figure 2: The planar diagram of intestinalepithelialcells, IECS


Compared with other disaccharidases, lactase ripens the latest, has the lowest content, is the most vulnerable, and is hardest to repair. After lactose intake, problems in any link of lactose digestion can lead to an abnormal increase of lactose concentration. At the same time, the undigested lactose enters the colon, and the intestinal flora will decompose the lactose into lactic acid. Some of the released hydrogen gas is disseminated into the blood circulation and expelled by the lungs through breathing exercises, which is the clinical basis of the lactose hydrogen exhalation test.



Table 1:similarities and differences between two treatments

Mechanism of hydrolysis decompose lactose into glucose and galactose.

The semi-solid milk products fermented by lactic acid bacteria can effectively prolong the action time of lactose hydrolysis and improve the hydrolysis rate.

Lactase preparation can directly hydrolyze lactose into galactose and glucose, which can be absorbed by the body.
Drug dependence / whether symptom improved after discontinuation Lactic acid bacteria interact with host cells through secreted metabolites to activate immune-related cell signal transduction, regulate the stability of cytokine expression, enhance immune function, and prevent repeating lactose intolerance. Lactase preparation can hydrolyze 70 % ~ 80 % lactose when ingesting dairy products. But once the ingestion is stopped, the patient's symptom of lactose intolerance does not improve.
Whether need to change diet Lactic acid bacteria were used to ferment food (yoghurt), which reduced the lactose level.

Some lactic acid bacteria (such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus) can safely degrade lactose by maintaining the integrity of their cell membranes to protect lactase from being degraded by stomach acid.

Lactase preparations can effectively improve lactose absorption disorders without changing the lactose-containing diet, ensure that patients get enough nutrients from dairy products, and promote the recovery of the condition.
When food containing lactic acid bacteria is ingested directly, the time difference between lactose intake and lactic acid bacteria intake Factors such as enzyme degradation in the digestive tract, pH value in the stomach, bile concentration, food stimulation to
Consideration of the time does not need to be considered gastrointestinal peristalsis and so on will affect the effect of taking lactase. Therefore, the need to drink milk before a very short period to take lactase to have a better effect.
Price Almost the same price as the original product without lactic acid bacteria, it is relatively inexpensive. The preservation stability and dosage of lactase preparation will increase its cost, which limits its wide application.
Both treatments improve the symptoms of lactose intolerance, such as vomiting and diarrhoea.
Both treatments have made great advances in clinical medicine, and both have a huge number of experimental data to prove that they are effective


The mean of time that people start to experience discomfort after drinking milk: E(x1) = 168.99 The mean of time that people start to experience discomfort after drinking yoghurt: E(x2) =49.70. The Paired T-Test result is p<0.05 so the experimental data are significant.

However, noticed the inaccurate report of symptoms in some responses, I cancelled the data since it goes against my framework principle of data collection.


Why do lactose intolerant people behave differently? This is because people carry different types of genes that regulate different metabolic expressions.

Due to different lactase activities, there are three genotypes in the human population:

Homozygous lactase non-persistent (LNP)
LNP is the most common phenotype in the population, accounting for about 65% to 70%.

Homozygous lactase persistent (LP)

The genetic characteristics of LP are caused by the variation of alleles in the upstream enhancer region of LCT, and a variety of different functional alleles have been gradually discovered which showing significant diversity in different populations. The LP phenotype is only common in people with long-term use of milk and dairy products and is the result of strong targeted selection.


It has been confirmed that lactase activity is high in full-term neonates, then mRNA expression fluctuates due to gene polymorphism, resulting in Heterozygotes(LP+LNP).


Based on the primary research, most people who might suffer from lactose intolerance did not report significant discomfort after drinking yoghurt that contains lactic acid bacteria, organisms that can fast decompose lactose into several monosaccharides. In this way, lactic acid bacteria treatment is effective enough to treat lactose intolerance.

Surprisingly, by analysing data in the questionnaire, I found out that women are more likely to talk about their illness history. Moreover, the treatment is well-accepted by the public due to its low drug dependence, convenience, and cheap price which are consistent with nowadays study, meaning this kind of bacteria can be used to treat lactose intolerance effectively in clinical situations.

1. Bayless T,Brown E,Paige D. (2017). Lactase Non-persistence and Lactose Intolerance.Curr Gastroenterol Rep, 19, pp.23.
2. Diekmann L,Pfeiffer K,Naim H.(2015). Congenital lactose intolerance is triggered by severe mutations on both alleles of the lactase gene. BMC Gastroenterol, 15, pp.36-42.
3. Enattah N,Sahi T,Savilahti E,et al.(2002). Identification of a variant associated with adult-type hypolactasia. Nat Genet, 30, pp.233-237.
4. Francesconi C, Machado M, Steinwurz F, et al.(2016). Oral administration of exogenous lactase in tablets for patients diagnosed with lactose intolerance due to primary hypolactasia. Arq Gastroenterol, 53(4), pp.228-234.
5. Gu Yuehua, Zhang Jingsheng, AN Haoran, et al. (2012). Chinese Journal of the dairy industry, 40 (9), pp. 8-10.
6. Ingram C,Mulcare C,Itan Y,et al.(2009). Lactose digestion and the evolutionary genetics of lactase persistence. Hum Genet, 124, pp.579-591.
7. Kim H,Park D,Youn Y,et al. (2010). Liver abscess and empyema due to Lactococcus lactis cremoris. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 25(11), pp.1669-1671.
8. Kolars J,Levitt M,Aouji M,et al. (1984). Yoghurt--an autodigestingsource of lactose. The New England Journal of Medicine,310(1), pp.1-3.
9. Li J,Zhang W,Wang C,et al. (2012). Lactococcus lactis expressing food-grade β-galactosidase alleviates lactose intolerance symptoms in post-weaning Balb/c mice. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 96(6), pp. 1499-1506.
10. Liu H. (2015). Lactase adjuvant treatment of rotavirus enteritis secondary lactose intolerance in infants’ effect observation. Jiangsu Pharmaceutical, 41(13), pp.1574-1575. doi: 0253-3685(2015)13-1574-02.

—— 作者:万同学
—— 作者:王珉道
—— 作者:齐同学


ASDAN EPQ 商科与经济类选题涵盖市场分析、企业管理、消费心理、金融现象、微观经济调查、宏观经济研究



A Business Plan for my JK uniform company named Paisley - how to develop the company
作为服装品牌的创始人,了解顾客、了解市场是必经之路。 研究者开展了全面的市场调研和竞品分析,甚至连布料选择这样的细致调研,也不放过。


How do I make a business plan for Paisley——My JK Uniform Company




作者Author:段珮楠 Peinan Duan

What is JK though? It is short for the Japanese word“Joshi Kousei”( じょしこうせい) which means senior high school girls. Therefore,JK Uniform indicates the school uniform of senior high school girls in Japan. According to Taobao's public data (Erech, 2020), the number of JK uniforms in 2019 increased by 3.5 times compared with the same period last year. During the 2020 Spring Festival, the cumulative sales of JK uniforms exceeded 500 million yuan. Thus,it is really worth investigating for our company,Paisley, to gain the position in the JK uniform economy which was generated from such a niche culture. Therefore my topic is how to develop the company, Paisley, in the JK uniform market?


(a)Secondary research
I decided to do the secondary research for the reason that to obtain as more existing significant information as possible to help us have a general idea on the JK uniform industry,and then develop our brand,Paisley,better.

Information was gathered to understand the basic details of the market such as the conception of copyright of plaid,the most competitive brands in the JK clothes industry and etc through both the public dissertations and the Weibo.

There are limitations on the secondary research because most information in deep depth was from a social application, Weibo, which means the source of the information is relatively more subjective. To solve this problem, more information was found through various ways to obtain a more objective conclusion.

(b)Primary research
Through the primary research, data was collected through questionnaire designed to obtain each specific piece of information such as the target consumer group,consumer preferences,the cultural backgrounds of consumers,main platforms to consumer JK uniform and etc. Observation was implemented to investigate consumers’ wants that Paisley should meet and how consumers would behave in certain circumstances.

To be more specific on the steps, Information was reviewed first to understand the market through secondary research as I mentioned above. Second, I designed 13 questions that Paisley should explore based on the information I have gained. Third, I modified the whole questionnaire to be more intention-oriented. Next, the final version of the questionnaire was hand out online to be filled in fully to get the ideas from our potential consumers.

There are 123 participants in total. Participants are mainly students from middle school to university,only 16% of them go to work or are searching for their positions.

Get Information for My Product Design

After my primary and secondary research,I arranged all the information we needed including our target consumer group,style of design,details to be improved and so on.

Finally, we designed one our own plaid as our first piece of work named Fuji which is represents the youth and Japanese traditional culture.

Paisley choose this design because we find that our potential consumers prefer the Japanese style design(77%) with darker color more.

Also, due to consumers’ low frequency of wearing JK clothes, its Price Elasticity of Demand tends to be more elastic. That is to say, though our price decreases, the quantity consumers buy will increase considerably to exceed the loss from lowering its price, which means we should apply a low price strategy to earn more revenue.

Moreover, as our consumers are mainly students(84%), Paisley should consider their buying ability as well. Setting a relatively low price would definitely help us to be more competitive.

One thing interesting is that, not only the price, design,quality of the products important, but also the copyright. You may wonder, how a plaid would have its copyright? But in the JK culture group, they think every plaid (and design) has its own copyright, only the original designer can grant a brand the permission to produce.

Through both our primary and secondary research, we found that our consumers treated it as a very important factor when choosing the products. This remind us to do the original design instead of pirating.


In conclusion, the large JK uniform market in China stems from the niche JK uniform culture from Japan. So when Paisley choose to do the Japanese style designed products which are designed by our Japanese designer team and produced in Chinese factories with high quality and low price, Paisley actually hold the core competitiveness to compete as it is what our potential consumers really want.

I created the business plan to better help us enter the market with affluent information analyzed and our clear and feasible business models (the models of design, production, selling and advertising).

For the model of design, Paisley choose to recruit Japanese university students who are majored in arts as our designers because they know the culture in a deep depth and payment for them are relatively lower.Then, the Japanese designers will negotiate with our department of design to confirm the final version of our design. And the model of production is about how the production is achieved in a detailed way(creating samples and mass production in China).

Paisley apply two selling ways, one is pay with full payment, the other is pay the deposit fist then give the final payment after months, which covers different buying habits of consumers and can attract more potential customers to consume with the delayed payment system.

Also, for the model of advertising, Paisley concentrate on the platform Weibo to attract the greatest demand as it is the biggest information platform in the JK clothes industry.

With the detailed business plan, Paisley can develop faster and better with no doubt.

If the Real Estate bubble explodes will it cause significant destruction on Shanghai economy and citizens?
房产泡沫的存在已被证实,但如何遏制却鲜有探讨。 研究者从经济和政策角度分析并得出两点遏制房地产泡沫的结论。


If the real estate bubble exploded will it cause significant destruction on The Shanghai economy system and citizens?




作者Author:严哲锴 Zhekai Yan

In recent decades, the real estate of Shanghai has developed rapidly. With the flow of capital into the real estate market, the rising prices of real estate will creates a bubble. Many people only have a simple understanding of the real estate bubble. At the time,Sun chao (2008) has talked about how to prove that there is a economic bubble in real estate, but do not talk about how to curb the growth of the real estate bubble.
Real estate investment in Shanghai
unit:ten thousands

Figure 1 Shanghai real estate industry value

2.Literature Review
2.1The Definition and Emergence of Economic Bubble

Charlesp Kindleberger (1998)wrote "foam" in the new lexicon Dictionary of Economics: "bubbles can be defined as a sharp rise in asset prices in a continuous process, and the initial price increases give rise to expectations that prices will rise further."

2.2The History of Real Estate Bubble
2.2.1 Thailand Real Estate

The first financial crisis in Southeast Asia started in Thailand. Due to the blind development of the real estate industry, there is a large surplus of houses. In 1986, a large number of foreign funds poured into Thailand, leading to the rapid rise of real estate prices in some major cities in Thailand. In 1989, the total amount of housing loans which was granted by Thailand was THB 145.9 billion. By 1999, it had exceeded 800 billion baht. At that time, real estate investment accounted for half of all investments.

2.2.2 Hong Kong real estate

The real estate bubble of HongKong formed in 1990s. The bubble of the real estate and stock market also brought about an additional fortune of HK $70000(Chinese government, 2021). The bubble had caused the surface prosperity of these economies, but after the financial turmoil in 1997, the bubble burst and the real estate and stock market began to drop rapidly which was resulting in a large number of property shrinking. The explosion which lost about HK $80000 in 5 years from 1997 to 2002 started from the bubble. The main reason for the rapid growth of real estate in Hoong Kong was that the Hong Kong government did not manage it in time and let it develop.

2.3 Factors that affect the real estate bubble

According to (Kevin Hassett ,2003) the economic bubble is an outcome of an unbalanced economy resulting from various factors, which are listed as below.

  • Companies of real estate is expected that if everyone expects a certain commodity such as real estate, to be very optimistic, many people will choose to buy and lead to bubble growth. In another way, the attraction of developers in the expectation of higher profits will reduce the current supply in the market.
  • People's herd mentality in investment behaviors. When much more intense the price changes are, the greater the psychology of conformity will be, the more irrational bubbles will also grow.
  • The risk of speculation. Speculation will make the high waste of house , and lots of house have be sell and only some people can able to purchase house to live.
  • Lack of government control. The lack of timely national regulation results in the rapid growth of bubbles and failure in maintaining the market stability of real estate.
2.4 Research on Real Estate Market of Shanghai

Many researches on the real estate bubble in China concluded that the real estate industry bubble can not be properly solved, and the burst of bubbles not only lead to the decline of real estate industry, but also the whole economy even the whole society(Sun Chao 2008). However, few scholars studied on how to solve or stop the growth of bubbles. Sun Chao (2008) stated in his study on the real estate price in Shanghai that there were several reasons for the formation of Shanghai's real estate bubble. And the floor space completed increasing to now ,also the space construction are also increasing .

3.1 Reasons for the growth of Shanghai's real estate bubble

3.3.1 People's high investment expectations

First of all, in recent years, with the faster and faster development of Shanghai's real estate industry, people's effective demand for houses is stronger than that in previous years. In 1998, the government chose real estate as the key point of policy in order to stimulate growth.And by reason of Shanghai government rapid growth the real estate industry , the proportion of real estate in total GDP in increasing from 2% in 1993 to8%in 2004.

3.3.2 The Unbalance of Real Estate Stock and Increment

The real estate stock and increment are seriously unbalanced. The development of the secondary market is slow and most of the new real estate demand is in the incremental real estate market which raises the house price.That on 1993 to 1994 most money flow in to real estate industry , and the value increase very fast.(Shanghai Bureau of Statistics,2003)

Figure 2 Invest in Real estate(Shanghai)

3.3.3 Insufficient and Inadequate Supply to Different Income Levels

The real estate industry is mostly supplied to high-income people. The supply to low-income and middle-income households is insufficient. And also made a large part of real estate have a high vacancy rate.The sale area are increase very quickly in 1994 to now and the second hand house are not sale very much.

3.2 Measures to control the real estate bubble

In my opinion of how to control real estate bubble is the control of the real estate bubble is mainly led by the government, first of all, it can increase the tax on real estate transactions, thereby reducing the transaction in the real estate market. Secondly, the number of real estate manufacturers can be reduced by controlling the area of land sold.


The development cycle of Shanghai's real estate bubble can be divided into three stages: preparation stage; Slow development stage; Rapid development stage. Today, the real estate industry in Shanghai is in the stage of rapid development. At the same time, it has been in this stage for about 30 years.

In my opinion of contain the burst of bubble in real estate, the government can make adjustments to the real estate industry. First, it can reduce housing transactions by increasing the handling fee of buying and selling houses. Secondly, we can improve housing quality supervision to reduce the number of housing sales.

Song zhong ming. (2004). Research of Shanghai real estate. Shanghai:
Chinese government, 2021. About real estate. [Online] Available at: https://data.stats.gov.cn/ Qi hang, 2019. About companies of real estate. [Online] Available at: http://m.jia.com/zixun/jxwd/647375.html?from=smwd [Accessed 18 June 2021].
Sun chao, 2008. Research of Shanghai real estate. Research of Shanghai real estate, p. 8-9.
CHARLESP KINDLEBERGER, 1998. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. New York: The New Palgrave. Gourdin, 2019. Real estate price in Japan. [Online] Available at: https://www.ceicdata.com/zh-hans/indicator/china/house-prices-growt h [Accessed 27 June 2021].
Keynes, 1983. Theory of Money. Britain: Business Press.
Li Fang, 1998. Financial bubble theory. China: Shu Lun Pan CPA Co. Ltd.
State Statistics Bureau, 2003. China Statistical Yearbook. China: China Statistics Press. People's Bank of China, 2003. China Housing Finance Report. China: Zhong xing press.
Shanghai Bureau of Statistics, 2003. Shanghai Statistical Yearbook. China: China Statistics Press.
Kevin Hassett, 2003. Bubble . USA: Zhong Xing Press.





To what extent will natural lipsticks be the future trend of the Chinese market?


To what extent will natural ingredient lipsticks be the future main trend of Chinese market?




作者Author:刘佳琳 Jialin Liu

The aim of this dissertation was to find out the extent to which natural lipsticks were the future of the cosmetics industry. I analysed individual’s ideas surrounding natural ingredient lipsticks by sending out questionnaires to 14 to 17-year olds. The 46 responses I received back suggested that most of people never concern ingredients in lipstick but they do think natural lipsticks are safer and are willing to buy them even if they are more expensive.

By conducting secondary research, I explored ingredients in non-natural lipsticks and evaluate their safety value and possible natural replacement or harmful ingredients. This research showed in a common lab with appropriate resources can create organic lipstick that satisfied every quality of a normal lipstick.

Lastly, I was able to compare natural and non-natural lipsticks by their costs which showed they have no big difference.


The cosmetic industry is one of the biggest, and the fastest selling products are lipsticks (Dash et al, 2017). However, on average, a woman may swallow about 5 pounds of lipstick in her life. The objective of this dissertation is to explore the effect of lipsticks with different ingredients in it and highlight the advantages of natural ingredient lipsticks and analyze individuals’ ideas surrounding natural ingredient lipsticks. This will therefore aim to also predict the future trend of the natural ingredient market and provide a useful analysis for cosmetic companies to improve their market.

Literature review:

The analysis of lipstick ingredient: natural ingredient vs. non-natural ingredients

Toxic Beauty! Are Cosmetics Harmful to our Health? Wrote by Mazumdar and Goswami (2016) discussed the lead concentration in various lipsticks colours and whether this concentration is safer for human uses acceptable limit of lead in candy as a standard. The most convincible part is the result of the experiment indicating some high luxury bands contain level of lead ranging from 2 to 9 μg/gm that is 20-90 times higher than the USKDA guideline value of 0.1 μg/gm for lead in candy.Therefore, this article shows that lipsticks are harmful to our health and can be used for future study.

The article FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF LIPSTICKS CONTAINING NATURAL INGREDIENTS wrote by Gouri Kumar Dash, Nur Anis Amira Mohd Anas and Shahnaz Majeed Faculty discuss an experiment about natural lipsticks (2017). This essay shows that organic lipsticks are easy to make and can act as a replacement of normal lipsticks.

Ingredients in natural lipsticks:

For natural lipsticks, a table is present. (Sunil, Tailor and Asutosh, 2013)

This article shows that the natural ingredient lipstick created can satisfy every character of a lipstick and has more advantages. First, natural lipsticks are hypoallergenic and proven by dermatologists to be safe to use anytime, anywhere. (Kumar et al, 2016). Second, the price of manufacture organic lipsticks is only slightly more expensive than normal lipsticks. For example, Karen Murrell, which is a brand that claims it sells natural ingredient lipsticks, sells 32 dollars, while the MAC lipstick sells 22 dollars. However, as mentioned before, 10 dollar’s difference may seem small for some people; it may be a big gap for others and affect their choice.

Current problems of normal lipsticks:

A potential factor causes chapped lips (Cheilitis) is wearing lipsticks for a long time. It is more common that lipsticks can be swallowed by people who applied. Heavy metal, especially lead present in lipsticks may cause acute abdominal pain (Shabani et al, 2020) if eaten by people.

A solution of problems mentioned is organic lipsticks as it can reduce the stimulation of chemicals significantly. Also, it is unlikely for organic lipsticks to contain heavy mental in it since they often present in lipsticks as an impurity of manufacture.

However, from all those articles I had read, the colour of natural ingredient lipsticks are limited. To find out the effect of this, in my methodology, I tried to find people’s opinion of colour of lipsticks in advertisement.


To investigate people’s idea of natural lipstick, questionnaires were sent out to girls whose age was around 14-17. 46 of result were collected. The questionnaire is shown in appendix and results are shown below.

Besides the questionnaire, I also did an interview with 4 girls. The questions are listed below.

1.What kind of lipstick would promote you to buy?

2.What kind of problems do you think exist in the current lipstick market?

3.What kind of advertisement would make you want to buy the lipsticks?

The interview I did was necessary as no one had done such thing before me.


From the questionnaire, conclusion could be made that:

(1)Most people do not concern about ingredients in lipsticks.
(2)As a result of it people do not specifically choose organic lipsticks.
(3)People do not know about diseases caused by lipsticks.
(4)People think that organic lipsticks are safer and are willing to buy it even it is more expensive.

From this result, we can deduced that if lipstick firms can prove that organic lipsticks are safer than normal lipsticks, even if they are little more expensive than normal ones.

From the interview, I found 4 points that people mentioned a few times about:
(2)Limited edition
(3)Color and

As a result, I believe if organic lipstick companies could focus on those 4 points, their sell may be promoted.


The present study suggest that natural ingredient lipsticks are capable to function as normal lipsticks. Although the price of it is little bite more expensive but the questionnaire shows people are willing to buy if they are safer. As a result of this, I

believe that natural ingredient lipstick will be the future main trend of Chinese market. With the interview I have done, people suggest that: beautiful package and promotions from celebrities can attract them to buy lipsticks. They say that limited editions are always attractive to them. As a result, I suggest companies produce organic lipsticks with attractive package, use celebrities in their advertisement and produce limited editions.

The effects of global warming and plastic pollution on the ocean, and how to make the negative influence minimum as the economy is still working


The effect of global warming and plastic pollution on the ocean, and how to make the negative influence minimum as the economy is still working




作者Author:刘雨颂 Yusong Liu

Ocean pollution is closely related to global warming and plastic pollution. This study aims to investigate how to minimize the effects of global warming and pollution and keep the economy still working.


The ocean has experienced severe changes during the past 30 years. The extent of summer sea ice in the Arctic area has reduced 40% resulting in polar bears, walruses, and other animals being in dangerous situation situations; It is predicted that 60% of the world’s coral reefs will be severely threatened by 2030, and 98% will live in a deadly harsh marine environment and will be completely extinct around 2050(Loria,2018). Many communities were facing various forms of erosion risk and had to relocate due to the rising sea levels (Chen,2012).

We dump around eight million tons of plastic into the sea every year. Here it entangles and drowns vast numbers of clarinetists. Some of the animals ate the plastic products and died in pain. People’s lives and the economy have been affected so much. The purpose of this study is to find the effects of global warming and plastic pollution on the ocean, and how to make the negative influence minimum as the economy is still working.


For this dissertation to be reliable and comprehensive, primary and secondary data were collected.The research method that I use is quantitative research. Google scholar, CNKL.net, and duxiu.com is the maintained source of second-hand evidence, the data, and examples from many national government websites, have high reliability and provided useful data and examples of global warming and plastic pollution, and are trustworthy to make the dissertation creditable. For primary-hand evidence, a questionnaire was made. The questionnaire contained 11 questions that were open to the public, that collected around 60. By using a variety of reliable resources, the dissertation can be creditable and authentic.

Global warming

The Arctic is warming 2-3 times faster than global warming (Zhao et al. 2015). In the past 30 years, the extent of summer sea ice in the Arctic area has reduced by 40%. There is a large white area in March 1985 but disappeared in March 2018. The sea ice has melted for 33 years.

For marine creatures, the coral has been affected a lot. Coral bleached is made by global warming. A rise in temperature of one or two degrees for just a few weeks can be enough to cause the coral polyps to eject their plant-like cells. When that happens, the coral loses both its colour and its main source of food. If the high temperature remains, coral bleached in this way is likely to die.


Global warming not only affects animals but also humans. Sea level rises make residents who live near the coast have to relocate their families, with a high cost and risk. Many communities are unprepared for rising sea levels and increased storm activity.

Global warming also leads to change. Extreme high temperature, extreme low temperature, heavy precipitation, blizzard, haze days in China, and high-temperature heat wave in Europe, and during the accelerated warming of the Arctic, the number of snowstorms in the northeastern United States increased significantly.

Agriculture has a close link to the weather. In the year 2010,5000 trillion yuan (zhai&Liu,2012) were lost due to landslides caused by sudden heavy precipitation.

To keep the economy still working. The government could make some policies due to global warming. From the ecological system perspective, implementing global warming policies have useful effects on protecting the ocean. Make advertising to let people have a strong awareness of how serious global warming is.

Plastic pollution

We dump around eight million tons of plastic into the sea every year. Here it entangles and drowns vast numbers of marine creatures. But it has even more widespread and far-reaching consequences. As the plastic breaks down, it combines with other pollutants that are consumed by vast numbers of marine creatures.

Humans are at the top of the food chain, so the amount of plastic will increase as the creatures are at a higher position in the food chain.

The fishes eat micro-plastic and contain 8 kinds of plastic, people will have the most plastic in their bodies.

The fishing industry has been affected by plastic pollution. “The amount of fishing that catches in the sea falling as much as 34% in the last 50 years (Fishing for plastic, cleanses.org,2020).

A fall in income for all fishermen is a negative perspective for the fishing industry. Fishing is a part of the whole economy, if the fishing industry’s profit falls, the profit of the economy will fall, too. To keep the economy still working. Banning plastic products is impossible. The government should make a policy about using plastic products. From the perspective of citizens, it can help them to have the awareness of using reusable products. From the perspective of the enterprise, the government limited using of plastic products, bringing new opportunities and markets for them, they have to find new materials for their business.


Sea ice in the Arctic sharply decreased as global warming got more and more serious. In addition, the phenomenon made a chain reaction in the ecosystem as well as the economy.

Marine creatures would like to eat plastic products as their food. Higher levels of the food chain level eat more plastic.

The earth is the sole planet that people depend on for survival.

Everyone needs to take part in saving the environment and keeping the economy working.




—— 作者:邓同学
—— 作者:梁同学
—— 作者:魏同学


A 6 hour course- the enlightenment development of financial intelligence for grade 3 students



How to popularize the sanitary napkin vending machine in public health places in Guangzhou




ASDAN EPQ 社会科学类选题涵盖法学、教育学、心理学、历史学、社会学等多个学科

暴力电子游戏对青少年亲社会行为的影响: 共情的重要作用

暴力电子游戏对青少年亲社会行为的影响: 共情的重要作用

The effect of Violent Video games on Adolescents' prosocial Behavior: The Important role of empathy


The effect of Violent Video games on Adolescents' prosocial Behavior: The Important role of empathy

暴力电子游戏对青少年亲社会行为的影响: 共情的重要作用



作者Author:梁海悦 Haiyue Liang

Prosocial behaviors refer to those behaviors that benefit others, including helping others, sharing, comforting, donating, and cooperating (Eisenberg &Fabes, 1998). From the individual level, prosocial behavior has the function of enhancing individual self-esteem and realizing individual self-satisfaction (Yates & Youniss, 1996; Laible, Carlo, & Roesch, 2004); From the perspective of interpersonal relationship, prosocial behavior contributes to enhancing interpersonal communication, promoting interpersonal adaptation and interpersonal harmony (Campbell, Gulas, & Gruea, 1999; Kou Yu, Tang Lingling, 2004); From a social perspective, prosocial behavior is a symbol of social welfare and social responsibility, and is the foundation of harmonious social development and construction (Campbell et al., 1999; Kou Yu, Tang Lingling, 2004; Penner, Dovidio, Piliavin, & Schroeder, 2005).

A survey found that 85% of the games on the market contain Violent content, and 50% of the games contain excessive Violent elements (Savage, J. (2004), which explains the universality of Violent video games to a certain extent. Violent video games reduce players' prosocial levels by affecting their internal states, such as cognitive, emotional, and physical activation. General learning models assume that prosocial video games increase empathy and prosocial behavioral tendencies, and increase prosocial emotions and cognition.

2.Literature Review

2.1Theory of different video games influencing human psychological behavior mechanism

  • General Attack Model (GAM)

The General Aggression Model (GAM) is developed by Anderson and Bushman in the article in 2002. The generation of aggressive behavior is the result of the joint action of situational factors (such as a game) and personal factors (such as personality traits), and the interaction between the two can change the internal state of the individual (such as physiological arousal, emotion, and aggression), resulting in aggressive behavior. Studies have found that violent video games can enhance players' cognitive, emotional and physiological arousal levels of aggressive behavior, and weaken game operators' prosocial behavior levels (Bushman &Anderson,2002)

  • General Learning Model (GLM)

The general aggression model can only explain the effects of violent video games on cognitive emotion and behavior, but cannot explain the effects of video games on prosocial behavior. General Learning Model (Buckley& Anderson,2006) believes that the nature of media's effect on people is determined by the nature and content of media itself. According to the general learning model, the influence of video games on individual behavior is produced through learning. This model can explain not only the effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior but also the non-violent or educational effects of prosocial video games.

3.Primary research method and hypothesis

The independent variable of this study is the relationship between the behavior of playing violent online games and the level of aggression. The dependent variable was adolescents' empathy ability. The control variables were age, sex, family, and other demographic variables. This paper uses survey and quantitative analysis methods to examine the influence of violent online games on adolescents' prosocial behavior and the important role of empathy in it.

The first questionnaire is the professional EMP Empathy ability test questionnaire. There are 18 questions, and different answers to each question are given different points. The second questionnaire, the Aggression Test, surveyed 100 teenagers about their propensity for violence and aggression to demonstrate the relationship between violent video games and empathy. The aggression scale is divided into four dimensions to describe the tendency of physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger and hostility.The two questionnaires will be compared and demonstrated with each other to find the relationship between empathy and violent emotions, and whether violent video games affect teenagers' empathy.

Based on relevant theories, the following hypotheses are formulated in this paper:

Hypothesis 1: Violent online games will affect the degree of Violent behavior of teenagers.
Hypothesis 2: Violent online games negatively affect prosocial behavior: decreased empathy.

4.1Regression analysis of violent video games, empathy, and prosocial behavior

The regression equation Significance of regression coefficient
The results of variable Predictor variable β t
Prosocial behavior Violent video games -0.134 -3.262**
empathy Violent video games -0.41 0.995**
Prosocial behavior Empathy 0.422 11.788**

Table 1: Regression analysis of violent video games, empathy, and prosocial behavior
As shown in table 1, violent video games significantly negatively predicted prosocial behavior (β=-0.134, p<0.05), and significantly predicted empathy (β=-0.041, p,0,05). These results suggest that empathy plays a significant role in the relationship between violent video games and prosocial behaviors.

The results showed that the prosocial behavior of the people with different empathy abilities was significantly different, that is, the level of prosocial behavior would be improved when individuals considered from the perspective of others and put themselves in others' shoes. This result is consistent with the empathy-altruism hypothesis.

The effect of violent video games on the aggression of the participants varies according to the level of empathy, the higher the empathy, the less significant the aggression; The lower the empathy, the more significant the attack.

4.2 Analysis for Hypothesis 1

Considering the influence of demographic variables, net correlation analysis and statistics are needed to explore the correlation between playing violent online games and violent behavior tendencies.

The relationship between the level of violence in games and the tendency of violent behavior still exists, that is, the higher the level of violence in games, the more adolescents agree with the violent behavior in games. Hypothesis 1 is confirmed. However, the relationship between the frequency of violent online games and propensity for violent behavior disappeared when demographic variables were added (see Table 2). Thus, there is no significant correlation between the frequency of solitary gaming and the propensity for violent behavior, and the positive correlation previously shown by control may be influenced by demographic variables.

Table 2:Correlation analysis between violent online games and the degree of violent behavior of teenagers.

The act of playing violent online games Tendency to violent behavior
Internet age .042(^)
frequency of game playing .112(*)
length of game playing .045(^)
level of game violence -.165(**)

Table 3: Spearman’s Correlation analysis between violent online games and the degree of violent behavior of teenagers.

The act of playing violent online games Before control Gender Age Family Control for population variable conditions
Frequency ofgame playing .112(*) .110(*) .108(*) .113(*) .108(^)
Level of game violence -.165(**) -.162(**) -.164(**) -.167(**) -.167(**)

4.3 Analysis for Hypothesis 2

It can be seen from Table 4 that both the level of violence in games and the frequency of playing violent video games harm adolescents' empathy, and the level of violence in games is the most significant. Hypothesis 2 is confirmed.
Table 4:Spearman’s Correlation analysis between Violent video games and empathy

The level of empathy Before control Gender Age Family Control for population variable conditions
Frequency of game playing .113(*) .109(*) .115(*) .112(*) .112(*)
Level of game violence -.077(**) -.075(**) -.070(**) -.72(**) -.074(**)


According to the above statistical analysis data, with the increase of exposure to violent online games, teenagers are more likely to have violent emotions. At the same time, we find that there is no obvious correlation between the tendency to violence and the Internet age, but there is a positive correlation between the degree of violence and games. Finally, as the frequency, severity, and duration of violence increased, the empathy of adolescents who played violent online games decreased.

We can conclude that teenagers will have anger, aggression, and other emotions after playing violent online games, and have a tendency to violence. But the actual violence is subtle and enduring. Violence and aggression are certainly opposites of empathy, so the more teens engage in violent online games, the lower their empathy.

1.Bartlett,C.P. & Anderson,C.A. (2013) Examining media effects: the General Aggression and General Learning Models. In Erica Scharrer (ed.) The International Encyclopedia ofMedia Studies Volume 5: Media Effects/Media Psychology (pp. 1-20). London: Blackwell
2.Batson, C. D., Thompson, E. R., & Chen, H. (2002). Moral hypocrisy: Addressing some alternatives. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83(2), 330–339.
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6.Kou yu Tang lingling (2004). The influence of mood on prosocial behavior. Journal
of Beijing Normal University (Social Science edition), (5), 44 -- 49
7.McMahon, S. D., Wernsman, J., & Parnes, A. L. (2006). Understanding prosocial behavior: The impact of empathy and gender among African American adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 39(1), 135–137.
8.Penner, L. A., Dovidio, J. F., Piliavin, J. A., & Schroeder, D. A. (2005). Prosocial behavior: Multilevel perspectives. Annual Review of Psychology, 56(1), 365–392.
9.Tantam, D. (1995). Empathy, persistent aggression and antisocial personality disorder. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 6(1), pp.10–18.
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视觉益智游戏能否比有声游戏更有效地提高 6-10 岁儿童的短期记忆力?
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ASDAN EPQ 艺术文学类选题涵盖服装设计、工业设计、视觉设计、纪录片制作、动画设计、戏剧、音乐等

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—— 作者:李若谷
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Years flowing on the hairpins--how hairpin's evolution reflects the Chinese history



Design a future digital community library in Shenzhen





来自ASDAN EPQ学生的最新研究成果


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Amplify Trading A.T. 中国







作者Author:魏紫玥 Ziyue Wei

In global epidemiology, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the problem of lactose intolerance. Recently, the public recognized two main opinions that treat lactose intolerance effectively enough. One of them is the relatively advanced method which is using lactic acid bacteria to produce β-galactosidase. Lactic acid bacteria have vibrant lactase activity and they can decompose the lactose in milk into glucose and galactose, thus relieving the symptoms of lactose intolerance. Another credible method is to supplement lactase preparation since lactase deficiency or low activities are the most fundamental pathological causes of lactose intolerance. Take a global perspective, lactose intolerance is a common disease in Asia and even in the whole world( Lactose intolerance affects an average of 48.38% of the world's population). Few researchers had explained the reasons behind it although there were many studies of lactic acid bacteria treatment of this disease. Thus, the research blank existed due to deficiencies in present.


According to Nobel Prize winner Metchnikoff, this Russian scientist clearly proposed that a huge number of lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt plays an important role in prolonging life. Similarly, Li (2012) found that a kind of lactic acid bacterium MG1363/FGZW alleviates lactose intolerance. This piece of information was noted in a journal named Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. It has been cited thousands of times and also lines up with other sources of clinical data, therefore the source is relatively valuable.

Figure 1: Lactic acid bacteria under the optical microscope

For supplement lactase preparation, at the end of the 19th century, Dutch biologist Beijerincek first discovered and reported that lactase could hydrolyze lactose. With the improvement of the quality of lactase, commercial lactase preparations have been popularized in the markets. In addition, Liu H (2015) reported that taking lactase (β-galactosidase) can effectively treat lactose intolerance which was indicated by reducing the amount of hydrogen in the breath.

Some biologists hold the view that lactic acid bacteria not only fully express the characters of the probiotics, but also continuously secrete β -galactosidase and release it into the gastrointestinal tract. Kolars et al. (1984) divided 50 patients with lactose intolerance into four groups. They were given lactose aqueous solution (containing 20 g lactose), milk (containing 18 g lactose), yoghurt (containing 18 g lactose), and galactoside fructose aqueous solution (containing 10g galactoside fructose) respectively. The results showed that the hydrogen content in the breath of patients in the yoghurt group was one-third of that in the milk and lactose solution group. The proportion of patients with diarrhoea or flatulence in the yoghurt group was only 20%, while that in the milk group was 80%.


Utilised in the past, the methods of using lactic acid bacteria and supplement lactase preparation will be briefly summarized.

Considering the time people start to experience discomfort after drinking milk/yoghurt, this study principally conducted qualitative research by making a questionnaire. Furthermore, the other aim is to collect people’s attitudes in different age groups towards this therapeutic method through yoghurt---the most common form of lactic acid bacteria.

Paired Samples T-test(N=196) is an excellent inferential statistical method that I used to compare the means of two sets that are directly related to each other. These data came from the same group of people who filled the questionnaire, but the condition changes before and after experimental processing.

Instead of letting patients take milk for my experiment to get data, I just asked the interviewees to recall and record their experiences of lactose intolerance before. In addition, the result will be presented anonymously since this research involved the medical history of the disease.



How is lactose degraded in the human body?

Lactose is the only disaccharide in milk by the existence of the monomer-form molecule, and it is mainly digested in intestinum jejunum. Lactose is hydrolyzed into glucose and galactose which connect through a 1, 4-glycosidic bond by lactase secreted by intestinalepithelialcells, IECS, then absorbed by active cellular transport. Furthermore, glucose mainly provides energy for the body, while galactose binds to ceramide by a glycosidic bond. Galactocerebroside begins to take shape, which participates in the development of the brain.

Figure 2: The planar diagram of intestinalepithelialcells, IECS


Compared with other disaccharidases, lactase ripens the latest, has the lowest content, is the most vulnerable, and is hardest to repair. After lactose intake, problems in any link of lactose digestion can lead to an abnormal increase of lactose concentration. At the same time, the undigested lactose enters the colon, and the intestinal flora will decompose the lactose into lactic acid. Some of the released hydrogen gas is disseminated into the blood circulation and expelled by the lungs through breathing exercises, which is the clinical basis of the lactose hydrogen exhalation test.



Table 1:similarities and differences between two treatments

Mechanism of hydrolysis decompose lactose into glucose and galactose.

The semi-solid milk products fermented by lactic acid bacteria can effectively prolong the action time of lactose hydrolysis and improve the hydrolysis rate.

Lactase preparation can directly hydrolyze lactose into galactose and glucose, which can be absorbed by the body.
Drug dependence / whether symptom improved after discontinuation Lactic acid bacteria interact with host cells through secreted metabolites to activate immune-related cell signal transduction, regulate the stability of cytokine expression, enhance immune function, and prevent repeating lactose intolerance. Lactase preparation can hydrolyze 70 % ~ 80 % lactose when ingesting dairy products. But once the ingestion is stopped, the patient's symptom of lactose intolerance does not improve.
Whether need to change diet Lactic acid bacteria were used to ferment food (yoghurt), which reduced the lactose level.

Some lactic acid bacteria (such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus) can safely degrade lactose by maintaining the integrity of their cell membranes to protect lactase from being degraded by stomach acid.

Lactase preparations can effectively improve lactose absorption disorders without changing the lactose-containing diet, ensure that patients get enough nutrients from dairy products, and promote the recovery of the condition.
When food containing lactic acid bacteria is ingested directly, the time difference between lactose intake and lactic acid bacteria intake Factors such as enzyme degradation in the digestive tract, pH value in the stomach, bile concentration, food stimulation to
Consideration of the time does not need to be considered gastrointestinal peristalsis and so on will affect the effect of taking lactase. Therefore, the need to drink milk before a very short period to take lactase to have a better effect.
Price Almost the same price as the original product without lactic acid bacteria, it is relatively inexpensive. The preservation stability and dosage of lactase preparation will increase its cost, which limits its wide application.
Both treatments improve the symptoms of lactose intolerance, such as vomiting and diarrhoea.
Both treatments have made great advances in clinical medicine, and both have a huge number of experimental data to prove that they are effective


The mean of time that people start to experience discomfort after drinking milk: E(x1) = 168.99 The mean of time that people start to experience discomfort after drinking yoghurt: E(x2) =49.70. The Paired T-Test result is p<0.05 so the experimental data are significant.

However, noticed the inaccurate report of symptoms in some responses, I cancelled the data since it goes against my framework principle of data collection.


Why do lactose intolerant people behave differently? This is because people carry different types of genes that regulate different metabolic expressions.

Due to different lactase activities, there are three genotypes in the human population:

Homozygous lactase non-persistent (LNP)
LNP is the most common phenotype in the population, accounting for about 65% to 70%.

Homozygous lactase persistent (LP)

The genetic characteristics of LP are caused by the variation of alleles in the upstream enhancer region of LCT, and a variety of different functional alleles have been gradually discovered which showing significant diversity in different populations. The LP phenotype is only common in people with long-term use of milk and dairy products and is the result of strong targeted selection.


It has been confirmed that lactase activity is high in full-term neonates, then mRNA expression fluctuates due to gene polymorphism, resulting in Heterozygotes(LP+LNP).


Based on the primary research, most people who might suffer from lactose intolerance did not report significant discomfort after drinking yoghurt that contains lactic acid bacteria, organisms that can fast decompose lactose into several monosaccharides. In this way, lactic acid bacteria treatment is effective enough to treat lactose intolerance.

Surprisingly, by analysing data in the questionnaire, I found out that women are more likely to talk about their illness history. Moreover, the treatment is well-accepted by the public due to its low drug dependence, convenience, and cheap price which are consistent with nowadays study, meaning this kind of bacteria can be used to treat lactose intolerance effectively in clinical situations.

1. Bayless T,Brown E,Paige D. (2017). Lactase Non-persistence and Lactose Intolerance.Curr Gastroenterol Rep, 19, pp.23.
2. Diekmann L,Pfeiffer K,Naim H.(2015). Congenital lactose intolerance is triggered by severe mutations on both alleles of the lactase gene. BMC Gastroenterol, 15, pp.36-42.
3. Enattah N,Sahi T,Savilahti E,et al.(2002). Identification of a variant associated with adult-type hypolactasia. Nat Genet, 30, pp.233-237.
4. Francesconi C, Machado M, Steinwurz F, et al.(2016). Oral administration of exogenous lactase in tablets for patients diagnosed with lactose intolerance due to primary hypolactasia. Arq Gastroenterol, 53(4), pp.228-234.
5. Gu Yuehua, Zhang Jingsheng, AN Haoran, et al. (2012). Chinese Journal of the dairy industry, 40 (9), pp. 8-10.
6. Ingram C,Mulcare C,Itan Y,et al.(2009). Lactose digestion and the evolutionary genetics of lactase persistence. Hum Genet, 124, pp.579-591.
7. Kim H,Park D,Youn Y,et al. (2010). Liver abscess and empyema due to Lactococcus lactis cremoris. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 25(11), pp.1669-1671.
8. Kolars J,Levitt M,Aouji M,et al. (1984). Yoghurt--an autodigestingsource of lactose. The New England Journal of Medicine,310(1), pp.1-3.
9. Li J,Zhang W,Wang C,et al. (2012). Lactococcus lactis expressing food-grade β-galactosidase alleviates lactose intolerance symptoms in post-weaning Balb/c mice. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 96(6), pp. 1499-1506.
10. Liu H. (2015). Lactase adjuvant treatment of rotavirus enteritis secondary lactose intolerance in infants’ effect observation. Jiangsu Pharmaceutical, 41(13), pp.1574-1575. doi: 0253-3685(2015)13-1574-02.



What are the Effective Conditions to Extend the Shelf-lives ofHomemade Fresh Squeezed Fruit Juices?




作者Author: 武心悦 Xinyue Wu
1. Introduction

Generally, people consider fresh-squeezed fruit juices as easily spoiled, but cannot recognize their shelf-life. There aren’t expiration dates printed on fruit juices and people have to “bet” when the juice spoils. Meanwhile, shelf-lives are different for the variable recipes of juicing and juice makers don’t have references for their exclusive juice, which increases the pathogenetic risk.

So, the purpose of this project is to detect the shelf-lives of common homemade freshsqueezed fruit juices of four classical juiced fruits and practical ways to preserve them.

2. Method

2.1 Theory
The appearance of the bacterial colony illustrates spoilage of samples (Gao, et al., 2021). To determine spoilage, thermotank is used to speed up the reproduction of microorganisms. The dividing of the bottom layer as bacteria colonies represents spoilage.

2.2 Standard
All the methods of juicing refer to the book I Love Making Juices!, have standards below.

Table 2.1. Standards of juices

Shelf-life is the time from squeezing the juice to its spoiling time (Gao, X. et al. 2021). The location of experiments with room temperature and refrigerator temperature conditions is 301.15K (28.7℃) and 290K (17.5℃) respectively.

2.3 Equipment
Peritoneal dialysis fluid heating thermotank (Yuyao Zhangting Nuomin Plastic Factory), Zhuheng Electronic Balance (Shanghai Ranhao Electronics Co., Ltd.), Xiaomi Mijia Bluetooth Thermometer 2, Pen type acidity meter (Changzhou Edkors Instrumentation Co., Ltd.), MY JUICER™ juicer.

2.4 Experiments
2.4.1 Shelf-lives of four fruit juices with room temperature and no additive

Peach Juice
23 hours after squeezing, peach juice samples appeared to spoilage in the ample with a shelf-life of 12 hours, but unspoiled in a 10-hour sample. 28 hours after squeezing, participation still emerges in the 12-hour sample but is unspoiled in the 10-hour sample. Oxide red flocculent precipitation in 2-hour, 4-hour, 6-hour, 12-hour and 14-hour samples.

Diagram 2.1. peach juice samples 28 hours after squeeze

Orange Juice with Room Temperature and no Additive
26 hours after squeezed, orange juice samples appeared to spoilage in all the samples after the 12-hour sample, but it was unspoiled in the 10-hour sample. Olive yellow flocculent precipitation in 12-hour, 14-hour, 16-hour, 18-hour and 20 hour-samples.

Diagram 2.2. orange juice samples 26 hours after squeeze

Watermelon Juice with Room Temperature and no Additive
All samples appeared prescription after 3 hours in the thermotank. Samples from 2-hour to 16-hour all have carmine-red flocculent prescriptions.

Diagram 2.3. watermelon juice samples 25 hours after squeeze

Melon Juice with Room Temperature and no Additive
13 hours after squeeze, melon juice samples appeared to spoilage in the 8-hour sample, but unspoiled in the 6-hour sample. After three later observations, the phenomenon maintained the same. Blonde flocculent precipitation in 8-hour and 14-hour samples.

Diagram 2.4. melon juice samples 22 hours after squeeze

Melon Juice with Refrigerator Temperature and no Additive
30 hours after squeeze, melon juice appeared to spoilage in all the samples after 26 hours, but unspoiled in the 22-hour sample. After three later observations, the phenomenon maintained the same. Pineapple flocculent precipitation in 8-hour and 26-hour samples.

Diagram 2.5. melon juice samples under 30 hours

Also, the pH value of melon juice has a significant decline at 26 hours and 33 hours after squeeze.

Table 2.2. pH value of melon juice with refrigerator temperature and no additive

2.5.3 Melon Juice with Room Temperature and 25g Sodium Citrate
According to GB 2760-2014 National Food Safety Standard, Standard for the Use of Food Additives, adding sodium citrate has no legal limitation. Favourer should not be influenced by adding sodium citrate, so it was added every 5g until the pH of melon juice changed. After adding 25g sodium citrate, the pH increased from 6.3 to 6.4. 22 hours after squeezed, melon juice samples to appeared spoilage in all the samples after 16 hours, but they spoiled in the 14-hour sample. After three later observations, the phenomenon maintained the same.

Diagrams 2.6 & 7. melon juice samples 26 hours after squeeze

Pineapple flocculent precipitation in 6-hour, 8-hour, 16-hour and 22-hour samples. The pH value of melon juice has a significant decline between 10 hours and 14 hours after squeeze.

Table 2.3. pH value of melon juice at room temperature and sodium citrate

  • The shelf-life of no additive and under room temperature fresh-squeezed peach juice and orange juice is 10-12 hours, watermelon juice is 0-2 hours, and watermelon juice is 6-8 hours.
  • The shelf-life of no additive and under refrigerator temperature fresh-squeezed melon juice is 22-26 hours.
  • The shelf-life of under room temperature fresh-squeezed melon juice with 25g sodium citrate is 14-16 hours.
  • Refrigerator temperature can extend the shelf-life of freshly squeezed juice for about 16 hours.
  • Adding appropriate lemon juice is useful too, it could extend 8 hours of shelf-life of melon juice. Spoilage accompanies a decrease in pH value
4. Conclusion

The main purpose of this project is to detect the shelf-lives of a few typical homemade fresh-squeezed juices and some practically efficient ways to extend them. After testing by squeezing common homemade juices, sampling them each 2 hours after juicing and observing which first appears to spoilage each 1 hour after juicing, the shelf-lives of freshsqueezed orange, peach, watermelon and melon juices are 10-12, 10-12, 0-2 and 6-8 hours respectively.

Besides, the effective and practical conditions for homemade juices to extend their shelflives are adding an appropriate quantity of lemon juice after juicing and preserving them in the refrigerator. For melon juice, preserving in the refrigerator can extend its shelf-life to 22-26 hours and adding appropriate lemon juice (sodium citrate) can extend it to 14-16 hours. Thus, as suggestions for making homemade fresh-squeezed fruit juices, adding a few drops of lemonade and lowering the temperature can extend shelf-lives of juices.

1.Gao, X., Liu, J., Shen, Y., Liu, Y., and Jiang, B. (2021). ‘Research Status of Food Preservatives Derived from Microorganisms’. China Food Additives, (3), pp. 95-99. doi: 10.19804/j.issn1006-2513.2021.03.016.
2.Kang, jy., Lee, sn. (2012). 我爱做饮料! (I Love Making Juices!). 2012.7, Beijing: Beijing Science and Technology Publishing.
3.Liu, Y., Wang, X. (2018). ‘Analysis of Detection Results of Microbial Contamination in Handmade Beverages and Fresh Squeezed Juice’. Food and Fermentation Sciences & Technology, 54(4), pp. 97-101.
4.Russell, N., Gould, G. Food Preservatives. 2013., : Springer Science & Business Media.
5.Sun, H., Luo. B., Shi, J., and Yin, Fang. (2005). ‘Effects of potassium citrate on seed germination and growth of wheat seedlings’. Journal of Changshu Institute of Technology, 19(2), pp. 77-80.
6.Yan, H., and Sun, H. (1994). ‘Causes of Fruit Juice Spoilage and Fruit Juice Storage Technology’. LUOYE GUOSHU, (), pp. 85-86. doi: 10.1385/j.cnki.lygs.194.s1.084.
7.Zhu, J., Zhao, X., Wang, D., Dong, W., and Sun, X. (2021). ‘Storage Quality Changes and Shelf Life Predictive Modeling of Blueberry Juice Treated by Ultra-high Pressure and Thermal Sterilization’. Science and Technology of Food Industry, (), pp. - . doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021020161.
8.Zhu, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, W., Ji, L., Zhang, J., Bai, T., Zhao, Z., Hou, B., and Chen, L.(2021). ‘Research Progres on Antibacterial Mechanism of Natural Food Preservatives’. China Condiment, 46(9), pp. 176-180. doi: 10.3969/i.ssn.1000-9973.2021.09.034

房产泡沫的存在已被证实,但如何遏制却鲜有探讨。 研究者从经济和政策角度分析并得出两点遏制房地产泡沫的结论。

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作为服装品牌的创始人,了解顾客、了解市场是必经之路。 研究者开展了全面的市场调研和竞品分析,甚至连布料选择这样的细致调研,也不放过。

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